A new sauna facility on the map of Cracow!
We have created a new sauna object for the city stadium at ul. Reymonta 20. Saunarium is located on the first floor of the Southern Tribunal - that is, from which the view stretches on the Błonia.
The entrance is located on the Al. 3 May 17.
Wejście znajduje się od strony al. 3 Maja 17.
On the area of 750m you will be able to relax in dry saunas, in a steam sauna, a salt cave, a pool, jacuzzi and a relaxing room. Seanse will guide your favorite saunasists!

Attractions of Termy Krakowskie
The Panorama Sauna
Dry sauna affects all senses. During the sauna show that take place in it, the saunamaster pours stones with water mixed with essential oils. By sweeping the towel or the fan, heat and moisture are distributed, which increases the effectiveness of the session. A stay which lasts several minutes is a form of wellness that has a beneficial effect on our body and spirit. Warmth which is stimulating the skin affect physical relaxation and aesthetic sensations, fragrance compositions and music increase the sense of relaxation. This treatment is great for the body, reducing fatigue, nervousness and anxiety. During the stay in the sauna, the body is cleansed of harmful metabolism products and toxins. The skin temperature increases to 40 degrees Celsius, which results in vasodilation, improvement of blood supply, skin firming and reduction of muscle and joint pains. The frequency of breaths increases, which significantly improves lung ventilation.
Temperature: 85-95°C

The Arena Sauna
It is dry, finnish sauna. It is used to conduct hot sauna shows. About 70 people can participate in relaxation here.
Smoke sessions take place there, Russian Banya with birch twigs and relaxation ones.
Temperature: 80-90°C
In here we have lower temperature and higher humidity than usual dry, finish sauna has. Thats why The Bio Sauna is a perfect place for those who are discouraged from sauna by extreme temperatures. Senses are stimulated by a carefully selected composition of essential oils and herbal mixtures in here. Aroma emulsions evaporate together with water from the vessel located on the stove, water is not poured directly on the stones. Biosauna has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, it is a perfect sauna for people with hypertension and hypersensitivity of blood vessels. It regenerates and rebuilds the immune system, covers and heals the upper respiratory tract.
Temperatue: 55-65°C

Turkish Hammam
A Turkish bath, where are ideal conditions, especially for people who would like to avoid extreme temperatures or are looking for deep relaxation. The heat emitted by the granite table penetrates into the deepest parts of the muscles, improving the blood supply to the body in a special way. An important element of the sauna session is cooling the body with cold showers to prevent from overheating.
Puffs of steam, penetrating the skin, thoroughly cleanse and regenerate it and cause its hydration. Heat also relieves muscle stiffness, swelling and joint tension caused by exercise.
In addition, staying in a bath is an effective method of cleansing and detoxifying the body, as well as stimulating the immune system. Improving circulation also improves metabolism. In this room, you can also do a whole body peeling and use the traditional Turkish cleansing ritual with mineral clay and foam from olive oil soap.
Temperature: 40-45°C
Cooling zone
The shower cleans and refreshes. Warm water washes away toxins. Cold hardens the body and lowers the temperature after being in the sauna.
Bosmanka Bucket
A stream of water from a shower bucket with a capacity of almost 20 liters stimulates and refreshes, mobilizing for further mental or physical activity. Using it seems just like Ice Cold Bucket Challenge.
Cold water barrel
A bath in a wooden tub is used to cool the body after leaving the sauna or steam room, as well as for an ordinary bath. Before entering the barrel it is necessary to rinse the body in the shower.

The Salt Chamber
The unique microclimate in this room is provided by the salt aerosol generator. Salt has negative air ionization properties, which has a very beneficial effect on the body. Active negative salt ions, which breathe participants of the session, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, properties, activate metabolism and the lymphatic system. The therapy is ideal for people suffering from respiratory diseases, allergies, skin diseases, for people with reduced immunity and for all who want to take care of their health. The air in the cave contains elements such as: iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, bromine and selenium, which are found in several times higher concentration than at the seaside. Supplementing the deficiency of these elements, improves the health condition, and thus supports the body in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, various allergies, psoriasis, inflammation of the skin and diseases of the digestive tract. Salt maintains the moisture of mucous membranes and the tenderness of the skin. The salt cave session has a healing effect primarily on hypertension, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular diseases, it is also particularly recommended by cardiologists for patients after infarcts. Salt cave has a beneficial effect on combating fatigue, a decrease in immunity and all kinds of neuroses. Thanks to the aesthetically designed interior and appropriately selected music, staying in the cave is a great opportunity to relax and unwind after a hot sauna session. Walls of the room are made with blocks of red Himalayan salt, while the floor is lined with coarse-grained Iwonicz salt.
Temperature: 18-22°C
Swimming pool
Indoor heated pool with dimensions of 13 x 5 m.
Swimming improves the condition and endurance, strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, corrects posture defects, develops motor coordination and flexibility,during an hour of swimming, we can burn 600 kcal… Besides, in the water we feel only 1/10 of our weight - it's nice to feel light like a feather! 🙂
Please, be mindfull, that:
12:00 - 17:00 - textile zone (swimming pool can only be used in a swimsuit)
17:00 – 23:00 – strefa beztekstylna (z basenu można korzystać jedynie bez stroju kąpielowego)
Temperature: 28°C

Freestanding quadruple jacuzzi. The bathing in the jacuzzi works relaxing, helps to reduce the level of stress, also has other positive effects - hydromassage improves blood supply, and thus oxygenation of the body. Baths in the jacuzzi are indicated for people after injuries, help fight backache, they are an ally in the fight against fatty tissue, favors purifying the body from toxins. Temperature: 38 ° C
Temperature: 38°C
A zone of blissful relaxation, with a massage station for two people. This here is the magic of total relaxation and regeneration - body treatments, peeling, bathing. Give yourself a moment to rest, immersed in the bathtub full of aromatic foam. Choose a treatment that will make your needs - relaxation, sports massage, hot stones, and maybe the "Gold Term Krakow" ritual?

Get to know our SPA treatments
We have prepared for you a wide range of treatments, massages, rituals, care baths, which made by our qualified physiotherapists and masseurs will provide you with deep relaxation, calmness, and improvement of body condition.
Daily schedule of sauna shows
Discover our special saunas shows conducted both in dry and wet saunas.
Moc seansu: *
Czas trwania: 8-10 minut.
Miejsce seansu: Sauna sucha
Użyte oleje eteryczne: dowolnie dobrane przez saunamistrza w celu uzyskania różnorodnych kompozycji zapachowych, nakierowane na relaks i odpoczynek.
Characteristic: relaksująca ceremonia podczas której saunamistrz wykonuje od 2 do 4 polań pieca. Z reguły jest to delikatny seans prowadzony przez jednego saunamistrza. Do rozprowadzania gorącego powietrza w saunie wykorzystywane są ręczniki, wachlarze lub liście. Muzyka jest często stonowana i bardziej spokojna niż podczas następnych seansów.

Intensity: *
Duration: 8-10 min.
Place: Usually The Arena Sauna
UEssential oils: Herbal compositions cleansing the upper respiratory tract with a relaxing effect.
Characteristic: The show during which the saunamaster pours water on the stove and places ice balls with essential oils on hot stones. A stove is poured with water about 5 times. Usually this is a delicate session led by one saunamaster. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. The music is often quieter and calmer.

Intensity: **
Duration: 8-10 minut
Place: Usually The Arena Sauna
UEssential oils: Chosen by the saunamaster to obtain a pleasant fragrance bouquet.
Characteristic: The show during which the saunamaster pours water on the stove and places ice balls with essential oils on hot stones. A stove is poured with water about 5 times. Usually this is a delicate session led by one saunamaster. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. The music is often quieter and calmer.

Intensity: **
Duration: 8-10 min.
Place: Usually The Arena Sauna
UEssential oils: Those for cleansing the respiratory tract and inhalation.
e.g. various types of mint, eucalyptus, Scots pine etc. or compositions selected by a saunamaster in order to achieve appropriate beneficial effects on the participants' body.
Characteristic: A cleansing fragrance ceremony during which the saunamaster puts ice balls with essential oils on hot stones. Sauna Master performs from 2 to 4 polań furnace. As a rule, this is a screening run by one sauna. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna.

Intensity: ***
Duration: 10-15 min.
Place: The Arena Sauna or the Panorama
Essential oils: Related to a time of a year, seasonal, or other fragrance composition specially selected to create a unique atmosphere.
Characteristic: The show during which the saunamaster pours water on the stove and places ice balls with essential oils on hot stones. A stove is poured with water about 6 times, larger amounts of water and ice are used, to significantly increase the perceived temperature. Usually, this show is made by two or more saunamasters, at the same time or alternately.
Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Music during this screening is often louder and more entertaining, but they are also peaceful and climatic screenings.

Intensity: ****
Duration: 10-15 min.
Place: The Arena Sauna or the Panorama
UEssential oils: Chosen by the saunamaster to obtain a pleasant fragrance bouquet.
Characteristic: The hottest show of a day during which the sauna master pours water on the stove and places ice balls with essential oils on hot stones. The sauna master pours water about 6 times.
Large amouts of water or ice are used to significantly increase the perceived temperature in the sauna. It is a ritual usually conducted by two, sometimes three saunamasters at the same time or alternately.
Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Music during this screening is often louder and more entertaining, but they are also peaceful and climatic screenings.

Intensity: *
Duration: 9-15 min.
Place: The Panorama or Arena Sauna
UEssential oils: Menthol crystals and sometimes some other additional essential oil.
Characteristic: The last ceremony of a day with the main scent of menthol, which has a refreshing and cleansing effect on the airways and sinuses. The temperature is balanced, however, you may feel chill caused by the properties of menthol. The saunamaster performs about 3 stove glazes. It is a ritual carried out usually by one, sometimes two saunamasters simultaneously or alternately. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. The music during this session is often calm and relaxing.

Special events

Music Tuesday
W każdy wtorek podczas seansów o godzinie 20.15 oraz 21.15 usłyszą Państwo swoje ulubione piosenki – co tydzień muzyka innego wykonawcy lub zespołu.

Wednesday with birch twigs and incenses
Seanse, podczas których proces oczyszczania skóry wspomagany jest przez delikatne uderzanie ciała brzozowymi witkami. Na seanse z witkami zapraszamy w co drugą środę, natomiast co tydzień czekają na Państwa seanse dymne z kadzidłami – korami drzew, żywicami, kwiatami. Mistrz ceremonii – Jacek zabierze Was w niezapomnianą podróż!

Movie Thursday
We invite you to shows enriched with music from picked movie and movie fragments projected on a screen.
Multimedia shows at 20.15 and 21.15.

Sauna around the world
Ceremonies during which movies showing the cities, landscapes and culture of the chosen country are shown. Every Sunday we invite you to a different place on the world map. Multimedia shows take place at 20.15 and 21.15.

Men's Heating
W co drugi poniedziałek miesiąca organizujemy wieczór dla Panów, podczas którego na seansach o 19.15, 20.15 i 21.15 panuje wyższa temperatura. Podczas saunowania zapraszamy na poczęstunek, shoty i piwo w promocyjnej cenie. Tego wieczoru Panie również są mile widziane.

Ladies’ Night
Every month the evening of the last Friday our place is a temple of women. From 8pm only ladies are invited, for whom attractions such as the oil and ice massage sauna rituals, face and hair masks are prepared. Sweet treats and snacks await. Each time there is a lead theme of this event.
For the sauna shows we use one of the best 100% natural essential oils from the Belgian company Loyly Masters and Polish company Bassau

- 1 hour 55 zł
- 2 hours 75 zł
- 3 hours 90 zł
- NO LIMIT 105 zł
- Sauna shows 0 zł
W cenie wejścia do Term wliczone są seanse saunowe oraz peelingi organizowane w trakcie dnia.
- Package 600 zł
Karnet na 10 wejść NO LIMIT.
- Masaż klasyczny 45 min. 200 zł
- Masaż relaksacyjny 60 min. 250 zł
- Masaż relaksacyjny świecą 50 min. 250 zł
- Rytuał hammam 30 min. 200 zł
- Karnet 6 masaży 800 zł
- Basen - 1 godzina 40 zł
- Karta Sauna Stars 150 zł
1 rok
- Dopłaty 5 zł
Każde rozpoczęte 15 min. po opłaconym czasie. Po godzinie 23:00 - dopłata wynosi 15 zł za każde 5 minut.
- Discounts -10%
Rabat może zostać naliczony studentom, emerytom, członkom PTS, od posiadaczom karty SAUNASTARS (masaże wg cennika usług).
- Sports cards 60 min + 15 min
Multisport, FitSport, FitProfit, Medicover Sport, PZU Sport
- Ręcznik 10 zł
Towel rental
Przypominamy, że w całym obiekcie panuje strefa BEZTEKSTYLNA -
tzn. nie akceptujemy używania strojów kąpielowych czy bielizny, jedynym dopuszczalnym okryciem ciała jest ręcznik, hammam, pareo lub szlafrok.
Wyjątkiem jest strefa basenowa w godzinach 15:00-17:00 - obowiązuje tam wtedy strefa tekstylna.
Na terenie obiektu można zakupić napoje.
Stay in touch
538 295 500
wejście: al. 3 Maja 17, Kraków
[ul. Reymonta 20]
pon-pt: 15:00 - 23:00
sb-nd: 15:00 - 23:00
Lokal Term znajduje się na Stadionie Miejskim, w południowej trybunie – czyli tej najbliżej Błoń.
Dojazd samochodem:
od al. 3 Maja, parking wzdłuż al. 3 Maja – bezpłatny (nie ma strefy płatnego parkowania)
Dojazd autobusem:
„Cichy Kącik” 102, 159, „Miasteczko Studenckie AGH” 114, 139, 159, 173, 208, 501, 511, „Czarnowiejska” 144, 159, 194
Dojazd tramwajem:
„Reymana” 6,20
Wejście do Term
50.06297629334022, 19.910709625870904