Attractions of Termy Krakowskie
Pachnąca, nowa, świeża!
Zbudowana i uruchomiona specjalnie dla Was sauna na 90 miejsc. Z pięknego drewna i z potężnym piecem.
Seanse, show i wydarzenia dedykowane naszym gościom są wyjątkową atrakcją na mapie krakowskiego saunowania. Sauna Księżycowa to przestrzeń, gdzie spotyka się energia kosmosu i ziemska natura, zapewniając odnowę fizyczną i duchową.

Zbudowana dla Was, Waszego zdrowia i piękna.
Sauna Solna Harmonia to unikalne połączenie tradycyjnych właściwości sauny z dobrodziejstwami soli oraz terapią światłem infraret. Wnętrze sauny wykonane jest z bloków soli himalajskiej, które emitują subtelne, ciepłe światło, tworząc atmosferę spokoju i relaksu. Dzięki naturalnej soli, w powietrzu unosi się delikatny solankowy aerozol, który oczyszcza drogi oddechowe i wzmacnia układ odpornościowy.
Całe wnętrze sauny to harmonia natury – połączenie soli, ciepła i światła oraz zieleni tworzy przestrzeń, w której ciało i umysł odnajdują pełen balans.
Saunting is not only the best way to rest. This is a ceremonial that engages all our senses. A colorsic feast for the eye, a pleasant sound of dizzying stones, a delightful smell of essential oils, in the end - blissful heat from free covering the whole body. Give yourself unforgettable moments in the sauna "5 of the senses" - this is your sauna kingdom.

Finnisg Sauna
Regular use, extremely popular saunas baths in Finland are one of the ways to overcome marzone and depressive states, the way to achieve the desired - Sisu state, which according to finish is the highest initiation, force of will, faith in yourself, Hart Spirit and the desire to act. A visit to The sauna stimulates the pituitary gland for the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, works calming, soothes nervous states, helps to get rid of negative emotions. Its effect is the tide of optimism and the will of life.
Turkish Hammam
The room of the Turkish bath is lined with marble, heated with water. The aim of Rituals in Hammam is to clean the body and soul. Professional masseurs and masseurs, perform the peeling of our entire body using a rough glove, the next step is a soap massage to the foam. Hammam treatments will make our skin smooth, soft and moisturized.

Bio Sauna
In here we have lower temperature and higher humidity than usual dry, finish sauna has. Thats why The Bio Sauna is a perfect place for those who are discouraged from sauna by extreme temperatures. Senses are stimulated by a carefully selected composition of essential oils and herbal mixtures in here. Aroma emulsions evaporate together with water from the vessel located on the stove, water is not poured directly on the stones. Biosauna has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, it is a perfect sauna for people with hypertension and hypersensitivity of blood vessels. It regenerates and rebuilds the immune system, covers and heals the upper respiratory tract.
Temperatue: 55-65°C
Himalayan grotto
The crystalline stone salt is a natural ionizer, effectively improves air quality, producing negative ions, which in huge amounts are on the sea, on waterfalls, after a storm. Staying in a salt cave allows you to improve the health condition and work support when the treatment of many diseases.
The stays in the salt cave are indicated after the diseases of the respiratory tract, tonsilitis, bays, colds and influenza. Salt grotto supports the treatment of asthma, circulatory failure, non-current states, hypertension, as well as allergy allergies and nervous system dysfunction. Supports the treatment of dermatological diseases and increases resistance to stress, neurosis and eliminates signs of fatigue.

Infrared Sauna
A special kind of sauna affecting the body with infrared rays, which reaches up to 5 cm deep into the tissues. Such a deep thermal massage removes toxins, acids, heavy metals and fats from the body, increases calorie burning. Infrared radiation has been used for many years helping people to reach well-being and restoring physical comfort in orthopedics, physical therapy, rehabilitation and sports medicine. Scientists have shown that the use of infrared rays is conducive to the treatment of various ailments and disease entities, and doctors recommend visits to the infrared sauna for the treatment of muscle pain, injuries, sprains, joint diseases and circulatory disorders. The sauna soothes back and joint pain caused by fatigue, rheumatism or degenerative disease. It also reduces neuralgia and pain associated with burns. It reduces the symptoms of stress or fatigue, nervous tension, malaise, apathy and has anti-depressant effects. Using the sauna also increases the extensibility of collagen tissues. Infrared sauna, i.e. An infrared sauna is an excellent option for people who cannot use a traditional dry or wet sauna for various reasons, because unlike traditional saunas, heat is emitted from infrared radiators, not from an oven or steam generator.
Temperature: 45-55°C
Steam Room
Sauna parowa wytwarza wilgoć powietrza nawet do 90% jednak temperatura powietrza osiąga przedział 43 – 46°C. To idealne warunki do odpoczynku. Oddech jest głęboki i przyspieszony, dzięki czemu tkanki są lepiej ukrwione, a mięśnie szybciej się rozluźniają. Ta metoda odpoczynku stosowana jest od starożytności aż do dziś.

Kneipp Pool
Father Kneipp was right: "You will not buy health in the store, but you will keep them through way of life." If you want to quench the fire in the body, immerse yourself in the icy pool Kneipp. Narrowing of blood vessels, movement muscles will give you a real power in your veins. Your circulatory system will live in, and you will feel a pleasant tingling on the body.
Cooling zone
Bosmanka Bucket
A stream of water from a shower bucket with a capacity of almost 20 liters stimulates and refreshes, mobilizing for further mental or physical activity. Using it seems just like Ice Cold Bucket Challenge.
The shower cleans and refreshes. Warm water washes away toxins. Cold hardens the body and lowers the temperature after being in the sauna.

Relaxation Room
After saunas, rest on the sun loungers. You can move the chief of imagination here, think about ideas and visions and enjoy a good mood away from the noise of information and urban rush. In Krakowskie, you will regain peace and experience the feelings of harmony.
Strefa, w której można zaznać odprężającego masażu relaksacyjnego lub sportowego wykonywanego przez doświadczonych masażystów.

Get to know our SPA treatments
We have prepared for you a wide range of treatments, massages, rituals, care baths, which made by our qualified physiotherapists and masseurs will provide you with deep relaxation, calmness, and improvement of body condition.
Daily schedule of sauna shows
Discover our special saunas shows conducted both in dry and wet saunas.
Intensity: *
Duration: 8-10 min.
Place: Sauna dry
Essential oils: dowolnie dobrane przez saunamistrza w celu uzyskania różnorodnych kompozycji zapachowych, nakierowane na relaks i odpoczynek.
Characteristic: relaksująca ceremonia podczas której saunamistrz wykonuje od 2 do 4 polań pieca. Z reguły jest to delikatny seans prowadzony przez jednego saunamistrza. Do rozprowadzania gorącego powietrza w saunie wykorzystywane są ręczniki, wachlarze lub liście. Muzyka jest często stonowana i bardziej spokojna niż podczas następnych seansów.

Intensity: *
Duration: 8-10 min.
Place: Sauna dry
Essential oils: Chosen by the sauna master in order to create a pleasant fragrance composition.
Characteristic: The cleansing show during which the saunamaster pours water on the stove and places ice balls with essential oils on hot stones. A stove is poured with water about 5 times. Usually, this is a session led by one saunamaster. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Usually music is calm & quiet, helping to unwind and relax.

Intensity: **
Duration: 8-10 min.
Place: Sauna dry
UEssential oils: with cleansing and respiratory effects
e.g. various types of mint, eucalyptus, Scots pine etc. or compositions selected by a saunamaster in order to achieve appropriate beneficial effects on the participants' body.
Characteristic: A purifying fragrance ceremony during which Sauna Master poured with water and on hot stones places ice bullets with ethereal oils. Sauna Master performs from 2 to 4 polań furnace. As a rule, this is a screening run by one sauna. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna.

Intensity: ***
Duration: 10-15 min.
Place: Sauna dry
Essential oils: seasonal, related to the time of a year, or other fragrance compositions specially selected to create a cozy atmosphere
Characteristic: A fragrance ceremony during which the Saunamer poured with water and on hot stones places ice bullets with etheric oils associated with the next season, but not only. Saunamer performs from 4 to 6 polań furnace. During the screening, larger amounts of water or ice are used to significantly increase the perceptible temperature in the sauna. It is a ritual conducted by the most frequently two Saunamers simultaneously or alternately. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Music during this screening is calm and climatic sounds.

Intensity: ***
Duration: 10-15 min.
Place: Sauna dry
Essential oils: seasonal, related to the time of a year, or other fragrance compositions specially selected to create a cozy atmosphere
Characteristic: A hot fragrance ceremony during which Sauna Master pours with water and on hot stones places ice bullets with etheric oils associated with the given season. Sauna Master performs from 4 to 6 polań furnace. During the screening, larger amounts of water or ice are used to significantly increase the perceptible temperature in the sauna. This is a ritual often conducted by two saunities alternately. Towels are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Music during this screening is often louder and more entertaining, but they are also peaceful and climatic screenings.
After this hot bath you will feel like a newborn phoenix.

Intensity: ***
Duration: 10-15 min.
Place: Sauna sucha.
UEssential oils: Chosen by the sauna master in order to create a pleasant fragrance composition.
Characteristic: The hottest fragrance ceremony during which Sauna Master pours with water and on hot stones places ice bullets with ethereal oils. Sauna Master performs from 4 to 6 polań furnace. During the screening, large amounts of water or ice are used to significantly increase the perceptible temperature in the sauna. It is a ritual conducted by the most common two, sometimes three saueramers simultaneously or alternately. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Music during this screening is often louder and more entertaining, but they are also peaceful and climatic screenings.

Intensity: *
Duration: 9-15 min.
Place: Sauna sucha.
UEssential oils: menthol and sometimes other essential oil selected by the saunamaster to obtain pleasant fragrance compositions
Characteristic: The inhalation of a goodnight fragrance ceremony during which the main perceptible substance is menthol, which has a refreshing effect, cleansing respiratory tract and bay. The temperature during the screening is balanced. After leaving the sauna, a sensible chill caused by menthol properties. Saunamer performs from 3 to 5 polań furnace. It is a ritual conducted by the most common one, sometimes two saueramers simultaneously or alternately. Towels, fans or leaves are used to distribute hot air in the sauna. Music during this screening is often toned and calm, and sometimes he raised.

Special events

Rytuały saunowe dla kobiet i w wydzielonej strefie – dla mężczyzn
Czy zastanawiałaś/eś się kiedyś, jak w zamierzchłych czasach kobiety radziły sobie bez kosmetyków i zabiegów upiększających, a mężczyźni z siłą i kondycją? Sposobem na podkreślenie zimnego piękna Skandynawek oraz gorącej urody kobiet z południa były właśnie seanse naparzania. Mężczyźni czerpali zdrowie i witalność z sił natury oraz naturalnych zasobów przyrody.
If you are looking for a potion of youth, you will find it in a sauna, not on the highest drugstore shelves.
W specjalnych seansach saunowych koncentrujemy się przede wszystkim na regeneracji skóry. Zaczynamy od relaksu i odprężenia, które zwiększą podatność skóry na późniejsze zabiegi. Saunowe powietrze przez cały seans będzie nawilżać Twoją skórę.
Ladies who decide on the evening "Tuesday from Wenus", feel a clear difference in softness and smoothness of their skin. Permanent Sauna Rituals recorded a long-lasting improvement of its condition and nutrition.
Panowie mogą skorzystać z gorących seansów w naszej największej i nagorętszej saunie podczas seansów prowadzonych przez najlepszych saunamistrzów i saunamistrzynie.

Seanse, podczas których proces oczyszczania skóry wspomagany jest przez delikatne uderzanie ciała brzozowymi witkami. Na seanse z witkami zapraszamy co drugą środę, natomiast co tydzień czekają na Państwa seanse dymne z kadzidłami – korami drzew, żywicami, kwiatami. Mistrz ceremonii zabierze Was w niezapomnianą podróż!
For the sauna shows we use one of the best 100% natural essential oils from the Belgian company Loyly Masters oraz polskiej Bassau

- 1 hour 55 zł
- 2 hours 75 zł
- 3 hours 95 zł
- Student (1 godzina) 35 zł
- NO LIMIT 105 zł
- Sauna shows 0 zł
W cenie wliczone są seanse saunowe organizowane od godziny 16:15.
- Karnet na 10 wejść NO LIMIT 600 zł
- Surcharge for each distraction 15 minutes after time 5 zł
- Discounts -10%
Rabat może zostać naliczony studentom, emerytom, członkom PTS oraz posiadaczom karty SAUNASTARS (masaże wg cennika usług).
- Sports cards 60 + 15 min.
Multisport, FitSport, FitProfit, Medicover Sport, PZU Sport.
- Ręcznik 10 zł
- Masaż klasyczny 45 min. 200 zł
- Masaż relaksacyjny 60 min. 250 zł
- Masaż relaksacyjny świecą 50 min. 250 zł
- Rytuał hammam 30 min. 200 zł
- PARKING (Park Wola - cały pobyt w TKS) 7 zł